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The 13 Goals of a Witch: 3) Learn and Grow

Published 19 February 2018 by Eris Ilmirith

Here comes one of my favourite ones! I have always wanted to learn many things, I have always liked reading and attending seminars and classes! Learning new things, building on my previous knowledge and adding to my little box of things I know, has always felt like expanding. I mean this literally; By learning new things, I could feel my mind expanding. Learning new things can exercise that very important and often neglected muscle of ours…our brain!

Why is it so important for a witch to learn? Well, energy is abundant and magick works with energy. Knowledge is abundant. A witch never stops learning and adding on their knowledge. After all, it would be really boring to learn everything at once and then do nothing more or less than the same and the same, wouldn’t it! Witchcraft is all about learning…Not only by books and seminars, but also by our own experimenting…This is why it is so important to keep a journal. Write down whatever you have tried in detail. Take notes of how it worked and if you think that changes are needed.Do not give up if something hasn’t worked out the way you wanted it, try it again! The more playful and joyful you approach magick, the more you can find your own path and the more you can get out of it! By playful, of course, I don’t mean careless! We have already spoken about knowing our craft well, the ethics and the basic rules…

How do we grow by learning? In magick, the more you put into it, the more you make out of it! The more you learn, the better your practice gets. The more you try and the more you focus on things, the stronger your intention and energy gets! The more you study, and watch around you, the more you attune to Nature and the Universe, the more your consciousness expands, the more you remember and the more doors open!

So drink from the chalice of knowledge, sip by sip…Drinking it all up isn’t as important as tasting every little mouthful and see what it’s got to tell you!

In Love and Light always,

Eris Ilmirith

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