bitter people

All posts tagged bitter people

A Spring Day

Published 28 February 2018 by Eris Ilmirith

Here I am , after a long winter, which wasn’t so cold, but it was winter, nonetheless, with one of my cats on my lap, watching this amazing sunny day from my window! This morning I could even see last night’s raindrops shining on the leaves of the garden plants. Spring has always been my favourite season of the year, but being a pagan, I pay my respects to all seasons for what they are…So, as we moving towards the mid-Spring, I am looking back at what this winter has offered.

Winter, they say, is the season to turn within, find out those secrets hidden in shadowy or even dark corners and see how you can work with them, because come Spring you have to start anew. And I find great resonance in this. This Winter I met people that lied to me, abused me mentally and emotionally, took advantage of the fact that I will harm none and they did it although they knew that there is only one thing that I will not tolerate, and this is lying…oh! The second being taking me for a fool. Could I do something to avenge myself? Sure thing! Could I turn this all back to them? Of course! Being a white witch doesn’t mean that I will let anyone slap me in the face, it means I know how to ask for help in order to get rid of negativity. Did I actually do something? Yep! I talked to them, told them I don’t want them in my life and turned my back, blocking their energy. I did this, first of all because I am a firm believer that before you try magick, you have to try everything else possible first. Secondly, being mean and bitter makes you attract mean and bitter people, so you will end up with those you actually deserve, eating each other’s flesh. Thirdly, I really believe that you attract what you send, so no need for me to sit there, paying any more attention to people as such.

So, what do you do when your life empties (like an old wardrobe) a bit? I do yoga, learn new therapeutic techniques to ameliorate my practice, watch the morning dew with my cats, read interesting books and meet with real friends. Life is too short to sit and focus on negativity. Even if it were longer, why not do something joyful instead?

Spring is here! Out with the old and in with the new!

In love and Light always,
